CN Morning Rundown: Pastor John Gray Still Hospitalized, But One Blood Clot in Body Has Disappeared


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Pastor John Gray Still Hospitalized, But One Blood Clot in Body Has Disappeared

Spirit-filled pastor John Gray, senior pastor of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina, remains hospitalized, but his wife, Aventer, posted on social media that one of the blood clots in his body is gone.

On Tuesday, Gray, who has been hospitalized since late last week for a life-threatening saddle pulmonary embolism, which Charisma News reported earlier this week, was transferred to a hospital in Atlanta, where Aventer Gray said her husband will receive “the best care to figure out the rest of this saddle.”

Aventer Gray gave an update on her husband’s condition on Instagram Tuesday:

“Thank you, God, still holding. If it is not faith, I don’t want it! Life! That is all. God is not done! No premature death. Leg clot gone (take that, devil). Remaining lung clots dissipate & bow at the name of Jesus! All will stay in place because they have to obey the voice of the Lord! Then, they will be obliterated.

Cancers Disappear, Legs Straightened, Migraines Destroyed at Powerful Mario Murillo Crusade

Just like Sunday night, Monday night was another night to behold, as God showed up and did many mighty works at Mario Murillo’s tent crusade in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The evening began with black clouds overhead, and although it did rain briefly, it stopped well before the meeting began. But the threat of rain did not deter the people from showing up. More than two hours early, the tent was filling quickly.

The rain let up, the sun began to shine, and with an hour to go before the 6:30 starting time, the tent was completely filled. An additional 1,000 chairs had to be set up in the surrounding areas outside of the tent, and they were filling up as well. In all, there must have been 4,000–5,000 people inside and out. What a blessing to see so many people hungry for a move of God in their lives and in their communities.

Why the Book of Deuteronomy Is a Basic Concept of Godly Instruction for Children

Jesus cites the book of Deuteronomy more often in Scripture than any other Bible book. He resists Satan’s temptations by defending Himself by quoting from Deuteronomy.

Yet, writes Dr. Bruce K. Waltke, the 91-yr-old foremost living authority on Old Testament wisdom literature: “I do not recall hearing a single sermon on this book over my 70 years of attending church services.”

In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses reflects deeply on the kind of character and activities loved by God and the type of behaviors and pursuits scorned by God. The first bring blessings, while the latter lead to reprimands. {eoa}

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