CN Morning Rundown: Kathie Lee Gifford Tells Powerful Story of Forgiving Howard Stern


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Kathie Lee Gifford Tells Powerful Story of Forgiving Howard Stern

Legendary daytime television host Kathie Lee Gifford—known for her outspoken Christian faith—has hardly shied away from confrontation, even when it could come back to bite her.

The erstwhile “Today” anchor recently opened up on “The Prodigal Stories Podcast” about her brief but powerful encounter with shock jock Howard Stern, who was purportedly embroiled in a one-sided, decades-long feud with the popular TV personality, presumably for no other reason than her Christian beliefs.

It all came to a head one day when the two were in the same building.

Why Boldness and Arrogance in the Church Won’t Cut it in These Dire Times

I recently attended an event for pastors sponsored by Turning Point USA Faith. One of the speakers made an incredible statement.

He said that “we can no longer remain silent while the bride of Christ is being raped.”

Does that statement jar you? It should! The level of decadence and deception in our nation demands a strong rebuke: “I have written more boldly to you on some points” (Rom. 15:15).

Texas Law Requiring Public Schools to Display National Motto Draws Major Backlash

Posters featuring the national motto are going up in public schools and colleges across Texas, and that’s drawing backlash from several groups who argue the phrase is used to promote Christian nationalism.

A new Texas state law requires all public elementary, secondary schools and institutions of higher education to post in their facilities “In God We Trust” posters if they are donated or purchased by private donations.

The Texas Tribune reports Senate Bill 797 passed during last year’s legislative session. The law went into effect last year. {eoa}


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