CN Morning Rundown: Glenn Beck Says the Great Reset Is Coming and ‘You Will Own Nothing and Like It’


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Glenn Beck Says the Great Reset Is Coming and ‘You Will Own Nothing and Like It’

It is 2040, two decades after world leaders gathered at the World Economic Forum in 2020 to formulate a plan for imposing a “Great Reset” of the global economic system. Life has changed dramatically in America as the rules, social norms and market economic principles that used to define the American experience have been permanently rewritten. Globalism has enveloped the world, which is now run by a group of international elites.

This is a hypothetical situation, of course, but it may not be too far off. In his book The Great Reset, conservative commentator Glenn Beck says the following is some of what Americans will most likely experience within the next 20 years:

Spirit-Filled Attorney: ‘Roe’ May Be Dead, But Jezebel Is Still Alive and Well

The biblical character Jezebel is perhaps the most infamous worshipper of the false deity Baal and other pagan gods.

Two hallmarks of Baal worship were sexual deviancy and the bloody sacrifice of children to quench the false god’s thirst for the blood of innocents.

Paganism from Phoenicia spread through the Middle East because of that nation’s widespread trade, and this eventually caused the downfall of Israel’s northern and southern kingdoms.

Charismatic Christian Spreads Spirit-filled Hope, Boldness and Truth to the U.S. House of Representatives

One of the most high-profile, outspoken, freedom-fighting and influential conservative members of the U.S. House of Representatives is a Spirit-filled, Charismatic Christian.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) stepped into the pulpit as a guest speaker at Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, Colorado, this past weekend, celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade as answered prayer, and boldly declared, “We need the Holy Spirit.”

But she wasn’t there to talk about politics. “I really can’t stand politics,” says Congresswoman Boebert, who expressed her passion for truth, freedom and living in the resurrection power of Christ. “This isn’t about Republicans and Democrats. This is about good and evil. This is about right and wrong.” {eoa}

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