CN Morning Rundown: Chuck Pierce: What God Showed Me About Russia, Ukraine, China, America and the Church


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Chuck Pierce: What God Showed Me About Russia, Ukraine, China, America and the Church

Since 1984, I’ve worked with churches and organizations in old Soviet Bloc countries. While I was serving in one of those countries, God visited me and gave me the date for when the Iron Curtain would fall, November 1989. The Soviet Union crumbled right on schedule, and I continued to work in those countries and began to equip churches in China as well.

In 2020, I wrote a book for Charisma called Passover Prophecies about the era we’re living in right now. In the book, I explained that Russia and China are rising and that by 2026, China would be the most dominant nation in the world. How do I know that? In 1986, before the Iron Curtain fell, God showed me.

In 2004 and 2008, I wrote articles and met with leaders in the Ukraine to explain to them that they were in a very small window of revival. I told them if they didn’t understand the times, they also wouldn’t understand the progression of events after 2020. After 2020, Russia would re-establish themselves at the right time by regaining Ukraine. They would continue to gain back their old territory and move toward establishing themselves in Syria and ultimately move to gain more control in Israel. When that happens, we’ll see Ezekiel 38 come alive in a way that we’ve never seen before.

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Would Hasten War’s End With Brilliant General’s Plan

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has evoked comparisons of David and Goliath because of Russia’s superior military might and the brave resistance of the Ukrainian people. We must never forget, however, the key to David’s victory. While Goliath trusted in his size, his military experience and his armament, David declared his trust to be “in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel” (1 Sam. 17:45).

David’s strategy for defeating Goliath was George Washington’s strategy for defeating the mighty British war machine. Like David facing Goliath with his slingshot, Washington knew his ragtag colonial army was no match, in the natural, for the powerful, well-equipped British army.

Therefore, upon accepting the call of the Continental Congress in May 1775, Washington began to instill in the colonial troops a sense of the importance of prayer and faith in God, for as William Novak said: “Washington knew his only hope lay in a profound conviction in the hearts and daily actions of all his men, that what they did they did for God, and under God’s protection” (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 114).

Parents, Your Boys Can Also Be Drag Queens, Just Like RuPaul!

Have you heard of the Who HQ children’s history books? Their website claims to be “the best place to discover all the fascinating stories and amazing facts about trailblazers, legends, places, and events.” And, as featured as a headline on their books, they are, “The New York Times Best-Selling Series” in children’s history books. It looks as though this series has carved out quite a niche for itself.

The books ask (and answer) the following questions: “Who was?” “What was?” “Where is?” “What is the story of?”

Among their most popular books are: Who Was Neil Armstrong? Where Is the Taj Mahal? Where Is Our Solar System? Who Is Michelle Obama? And What Was the Great Depression? {eoa}

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