CN Morning Rundown: 4 Things All Revivals Have in Common


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4 Things All Revivals Have in Common

“Revival isn’t what you think!”

Those words, uttered by revivalist Winkie Pratney, might seem strange. But having studied, seen and experienced revivals over the decades, he has come to realize, “God doesn’t always do the same thing in the same ways.”

As we cry out to God for revival, we must shed our expectations of what He will do, whom He will use, where He will move and when it will happen. In Charles Finney’s day, various religious leaders did not believe revival was happening even though multitudes were being saved. That move of God did not fit their vision of revival—so many of them missed what He was doing.

11 Ways Pastors Are Abused

With the deluge of news reporting instances of scandals and abuse committed by lead pastors, I thought it necessary to balance this by showing how shepherds (pastors) are also occasionally abused by the sheep (church members). (To be clear, this fact does not justify any scandalous behavior by spiritual leaders.)

Over the past five decades, the overwhelming majority of pastors I have worked with have been sincere Christ followers who have paid an enormous price and suffered much while walking out their sacred calling. Satan, the accuser of the brethren, will target lead pastors since he knows that when the shepherd is struck, the sheep will scatter (Zech. 13:7).

Based upon my own experience as a pastor and the thousands of pastors I have co-labored with while serving movements and networks, the following are 11 ways that sheep abuse their shepherds. (I am not referring to any particular pastor or church but am speaking generically.)

Conservative Charlie Kirk Puts Leftist Students in Their Place Over Vaccines

Christian American activist and radio talk show host Charlie Kirk, while recently speaking on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, was approached by students who asked questions about vaccines, especially the COVID vaccines.

As you can see from this video, Kirk was ready for the challenge.

One student asked Kirk directly if he thought the COVID vaccines were effective. {eoa}

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