New graduates

That Guy Has a Lot of Potential


One of the scariest words I know is “potential.”

For many, the word potential is a burden. Perhaps the pressure comes from being born into a successful family. For others, the evidence of talent at a very young age becomes an expectation.

From baby nurseries to graduation exercises, I suppose the most noted thought of observers is the presence of unlimited potential.

After 30-plus years of working with college students, I’ve concluded there are very few markers for true potential. Leaders see potential in almost everyone they work with.

I remember a pastor told me once, “See that guy? He’s 38 and has LOTS of potential.” What that means is “he ain’t done nothing yet.” 

It seems to me there’s a lot of truth in that statement. The real difference in people is the realization of potential.

I think the fulfillment of potential has a lot to do with spiritual condition. There are certainly successful and talented heathens. And there are those who have moved away from God’s presence who are doing well in their own eyes.

But human potential is limited without God. “To know Him and the power of His resurrection …” seems to be the ultimate definition of potential.

He will direct our paths and provide favor along the way.

Help the new graduates in your life follow Jesus, and live a life of fulfilled potential.


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Today’s Scripture

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, the excellency of the power being from God and not from ourselves” (2 Cor. 4:7).



Platform Tip No. 110

In developing platform content, keep in mind that storytelling is an important tool in presenting your message.

It’s not simply about storytelling, but rather telling true stories well.



Do you want to learn more about developing your personal platform?

For my free eBook 7 Reasons Your Organization Suffers from Marketing Malpractice, plus 3 Things to do NOW to Prevent Further Damage, click here.



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