Spirit-Filled Pastor’s Coach: Why We Haven’t Experienced a Billion-Soul Harvest


Much has been written and prophesied about the next Great Awakening in America. But are we ready for a huge soul-harvest?

Michael Brodeur, an instructor at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and founder of pastorscoach.com, says no. Evangelist Leonard Ravenhill put it best, Brodeur says, when he said, “The reason that America does not have the full revival we want is because we’re content to live without it.”

“In other words, there needs to be deeper desperation in our heart,” Brodeur told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “Desperation needs to come from the understanding that even though God is doing amazing things in our generation, we’re still not actually seeing the breakthroughs we have been praying for in so many areas. The desperation among many believers simply isn’t there.”

Brodeur, who is praying for and working toward a billion-soul harvest worldwide, says that begins in the local church. Pastors need to create a Spirit-filled environment to mobilize every member of their congregation. Through Pastor’s Coach, Brodeur is teaching 1,600 pastors to do just that.

“What we have to understand is that the churches are not just for the purposes of Sunday morning services,” Brodeur says. “We need to rethink the way we’re doing church. We need a reformation of the local church to mobilize every member according to their God-given destiny and calling. Once we do that, we make every single member a reproducer or a disciple maker, not just a disciple. That’s the point at which we can start to begin a massive harvest.”

For more on how you and your church can help can usher in the next Great Awakening, listen to the podcast below.


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