Prophetic Evangelists: How to Crush the Spirit of Fear in Your Life


Karen and Pat Schatzline came face to face with fear last fall when Karen received a cancer diagnosis. But instead of cowering to the fear that disease can bring, the Schatzlines decided to trust God for restoration by moving further into His presence than ever before.

To honor her trust in Him, God healed Karen. And the Schatzlines want every believer to know that, whatever situation they face, God hears your cries and compels you to simply draw near to Him.

“God sees you,” Karen Schatzline told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “God knows your name. He sees where you’re at, He hasn’t forgotten you and He hasn’t abandoned you. All you have to do is call on His name. All you have to do is reach out and touch Him.

“It’s like the woman with the issue of blood when she reached out and touched Him. What that really means is she just got in His presence. She touched Jesus, His relationship with the Father, and she touched His prayer life. And the Bible says that power came down. “Power” literally means “the ability to change the atmosphere.” In reality, what happened was her pursuit of Jesus changed the atmosphere and the reality of her condition.

“So, seek His presence first. Get in His presence. Some of you are waiting and waiting and waiting for your mountain to be moved. Maybe your mountain doesn’t need to be moved, it just needs to be conquered. God is calling you into a higher and a deeper place with Him. As you climb higher in His presence, you’ll realize the mountain doesn’t seem so high anymore.”

For more about how to restore your roar and walk in total freedom with Jesus, listen to the podcast below.


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