How One Simple Word Can Keep You in God’s Will


As a pastor and leader, Kevin Harney frequently speaks with people who are overwhelmed, overextended and exhausted. And he’s discovered one simple word that can set them free: “No.”

When we say yes to the things that matter the most and no to those that don’t, Harney says, we can stay true to God’s will for our lives.

“There are so many ways to say no, and it can change your life,” Harney told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “When you’ve got so many things coming your way, you need to pray in advance and be prepared.

“If you know it’s not the right thing for you to do at this time, even if it’s something at church, be in prayer and let the Holy Spirit lead you to what you should say no to. I believe that God will lead you to say no to the wrong things and say yes to the right things.

“If you say yes to the right things, then you’re going to start them with passion and joy because you know that you’re called by the Lord. You know you’ve got a good heart and you want to help people, but sometimes the Holy Spirit can tell you it’s simply not the right thing to do.”

For more about how saying no can keep you in God’s will, listen to the podcast below.


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