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During a Crisis, Listen to What You Talk About


One of the hallmarks of effective leadership is skilled communication. If we listen closely to a leader, we should hear words that deliver focus points. There will be little doubt about what matters most.

Leaders hopefully speak from one page and then do everything possible to gather the team around the same page. It’s important to convene regular “same-page meetings.”

We cannot underestimate the importance of repetition of key messages. We must find a way to deliver the message at least seven times in seven different ways. Team members learn at different paces and in different ways.

The fastest way out of organizational crises is with high-level communication. In other words, meet often and talk a lot. It works at home and it will work at work.

But consider this golden key to meeting conversations. Leaders will be heard talking about ideas while others talk about people. Weak leaders spend time focused on the blame game. Effective leaders chart a course with new ideas.

The Holy Spirit will provide inspiration to move forward. When we slip into talk about people, we will surely lose spiritual unction for progress.

The way forward is paved with new ideas.



Today’s Scripture

“But while everyone marveled at all the things Jesus did, He said to His disciples, ‘Let these words sink down into your ears, for the Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men'” (Luke 9:43-44).




Here’s something I’m trying or thinking about today …

WEEKEND READING RECOMMENDATION: Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Experiencing the Peace and Promise of Christmas.

This is an anthology collection of writings and sermons from 22 theologians and Bible teachers. Authors range from Spurgeon to Keller.

Free download on Kindle with Prime.



Platform Tip No. 22

The best platform messages speak into the needs of the audience. Speak and write about the “felt pain” of your readers or listeners.

People are looking for pain relief. How can you help?

Then, show up tomorrow and offer more pain relief.



Do you want to learn more about developing your personal platform?

Send for my free series of lessons titled, “The Fundamentals of Creating, Curating and Developing Content for Multiple Platforms.” Send your request to: [email protected].

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