Cindy Trimm: The Greatest Gift You Can Give Back to God


The way Cindy Trimm figures it, we’re all in this together. If one person—believer or non-believer—hurts, then everyone hurts.

But the African American author and kingdom leader says, it’s up to Christians—Christ’s representatives, to take the lead to bring about healing in this nation. Whether it’s racial, political or any other social issue, it’s up to the church, those powered by the Holy Spirit, to step up and make the difference.

“The universe has huge fabric that we call humanity, and it’s beautiful,” Trimm told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “This is not just one piece of fabric, it’s many people that are sewn together.

“But we, as Christ’s representatives, have got to take the lead on this. We’ve got to realize, in the midst of all of this pain and division, that I am the change. I am the solution. Greater is He that is in me. I am representing Christ.

“And that’s what Christianity is all about, being the solution—God’s solution—and being God’s gift. The greatest gift God gave me was my potential. Maximizing that potential is the greatest gift that I give back to Him, and I give to the world. I’m His representative. Some say God is dead and that truth is dead. My mission is to be the infallible truth on this earth in this generation by the life I live.”

For more about Cindy Trimm and her God-given solution for healing in this nation, listen to the entire podcast.


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