Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivor: Healing and Forgiveness Are Possible


Larisha Warner finally came to a place where she refused to carry the heavy load of unforgiveness. She surrendered all of the pain and emotional suffering of childhood sexual abuse to God, and now claims wholeness and freedom in Jesus.

Her ministry, Divinely Destined, exists to help others do the same, and to help them not only become what they desire to be but a better version of themselves.

The journey is never easy, as Warner can tell you.

“It took a lot of self-reflection, a lot of prayer and a lot of counseling,” Warner told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I had gotten to a point where I said, ‘You know what? I no longer want to go on with this burden. I no longer want to walk around with the guilt of it, nor do I want to walk around with bitterness in my heart.

“In the moment when I had the conversation and I confronted the individual, it was a difficult time. They had no idea where I was coming from. But I remember how I started. I said, ‘I remember that you hurt me. I remember that you molested me.’ That person is still a part of my life. …

“Forgiveness means to be free. We are all not perfect, and it’s not easy to live up to who God calls us to be. Forgiveness takes strength, humility and courage. I also tell myself, ‘Hold your head up. Don’t be discouraged.’ So today marks the day that I say, ‘No more tears. No more pain. I have no more sleepless nights. I can hear my grandmother in heaven tell me, ‘Baby, it’s going to be all right.’ Forgiveness equals healing. Forgiveness isn’t easy, but it’s God Almighty who has the ultimate say.”

For more about Larisha Warner’s ministry and the healing power of forgiveness, listen to the entire podcast.


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