You Won’t Believe What Sacrilegious Stunt California Gov. Gavin Newsom Pulled


California Gov. Gavin Newsom, one of the more liberal state leaders in the entire US, is at it again. He targeted churches in his state during the pandemic and fined pastors for holding services, an effort which eventually backfired on him.

His latest exploit is sure to produce the same result. Newsome is now using the Bible to promote the demonic killing of babies in California, quoting Mark 12:31 on billboards. Mark 12:31 reads: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.”

Worship leader and evangelist Sean Feucht took a photo of the billboard paid for by the Newsom for Governor campaign that posed the question and statement to potential voters: “Need an abortion? California is ready to help.” Feucht posted it on his Twitter page earlier this week.

As has reported, California is ramping up its efforts to dramatically expand and fund the number of abortions there since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June. It has declared itself a “sanctuary state” for those who may not be able to get an abortion in their respective states because of new laws passed recently.

Feucht says Newsom’s efforts are eerily similar to Satan’s interaction with Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4.

“Gavin Newsom is using the Bible to promote killing babies is a level of darkness few have seen before,” Feucht tweeted this week. “Even Satan quoted scripture as he tempted Jesus. We need discernment in the body of Christ like never before.” {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is online editor for Charisma Media.


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