Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

Why the Duggar Family Refuses to Celebrate Halloween


The Duggars—all 21 and counting—are not big fans of Halloween.

Duggar matriarch Michelle shared her heart on the pagan holiday in a recent blog post. She loves the fall, when it starts to get cool. She thinks the trees are beautiful and enjoys watching the kids rake them into a pile and jump on them. She also likes bonfires and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows and everything else that goes along with the fall season.

“While we do go to pumpkin patches and corn mazes, we don’t do the Halloween thing. From the beginning of our marriage we just kind of felt like we didn’t want to celebrate that holiday. But we enjoy the harvest celebration. Our church fellowship has had different celebrations through the years that we’ve been a part of, ones where the children can play games and receive candy and toys and do all kinds of fun things, like a cake walk,” Duggar wrote in a blog post.

“And it’s a safe environment, one where you don’t have to be concerned about some of the pranks and things that go on during Halloween. So we tend to do things like that during fall—as soon as the weather starts to cool we begin to celebrate, whether it’s gathering for a meal of our favorite autumn weather soups or having fun outside in nature.”



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