Why Are So Many Pastors Suffering From Burnout?


Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self focuses on tough issues and gives real practical answers for these issues. On episodes nine and 10, Dr. Self interviewed Pastor Bob Levins, who has over 40 years of ministry experience.

In the interview process, it was shocking to learn that over 1,500 pastors are resigning every month in America. There is a crisis of burnout with pastors.

Levins explained that pastors are underpaid and exhausted. Many of them are seeking other positions. In America today, we need our pastors more than ever. But we need our pastors operating effectively, full of energy and zeal, not burned out, stressed and overloaded.

Levins gives some excellent, practical solutions for pastors as well as laypeople. One interesting topic discussed was how church building programs sometimes destroyed churches.

These episodes are not just for ministers. What affects our pastors also affects the entire congregation. Dr. Self and Pastor Levins discuss real answers to things that can make a more positive change.

In future episodes, Dr. Ray Self will do a series on the dysfunctional family and its long-term effects. He does not judge or place blame, but always looks at the reality of the long-term impact of a dysfunctional family.

As Christians, we have been redeemed and set free. However, there are messages from our past that still affect our present-day lives. Unfortunately, we tend to carry this baggage into our future. God expects us to deal with these situations.

The Holy Spirit will reveal a root issue from our past that is affecting our current life. When that happens, there is an opportunity for healing to begin. Dr. Ray Self, using his prophetic gift and godly wisdom, has a beautiful way of exposing lies and bring healing truth to the body of Christ. {eoa}

Dr. Ray Self is the president of the International College of Ministry and author of Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land and Hear His Voice Be His Voice. Both books are available at Amazon.com. Be sure and like and subscribe to Self Talk and check out his college website at icmcollege.org for a degree assessment free of charge and the study now and enroll later program.


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