Francis Chan speaks at Facebook.

What Francis Chan Told Facebook Employees About Getting Into Heaven


Francis Chan is known for his authentic vulnerability.

And that’s exactly what he gave Facebook employees when speaking to them recently. The author and former megachurch pastor was at the headquarters preaching about how to get to heaven from Silicon Valley.

“Please God, please can we experience you?” Chan prays over audience members, some with their heads bowed and others restless.

Immediately, Chan opened with an impression from the Holy Spirit.

“This is going to be really weird, but I feel like I’m supposed to read this letter in my Bible,” Chan says. “And maybe it’s for one of you.” 

Chan’s daughter penned the note, which tells the preacher and author he’s done well.

It was the catalyst for a profound gospel message.

“I came here today going, ‘God, OK, I don’t want to come with arrogance. I want to come like a child,'” Chan says he prayed before speaking with them.

“I’m not going to come as an order, but just to tell you there’s a God out there. There’s someone who determines whether we walk out of this room. Does that do anything to you? Does that humble you at all?”

He continues: “For some of you, man, there’s a status working here. You’re cooler than your friends. There’s something there. You know you’ve felt it. There’s something about it that’s harder … it’s like you’re at a disadvantage. You know, that’s why when that rich man, you know, Jesus is walking with that rich young ruler, and Jesus says, ‘Just sell everything and give it to the poor,’ and the guy goes away sad, and Jesus goes, ‘Oooh, It is so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven,” Chan tells the employees, whose average salary hovers just over $140,000 annually. “It was just like Jesus feeling sorry for the guy.”

Watch the video to see it in full. {eoa}



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