Fasting Weekend Re-Cap with Tammy Hotsenpiller: Day 8 & Day 9 with Fasting for Miracles


If you missed the first week of Tammy Hotsenpiller’s 21-day “Fasting for Miracles,” don’t worry, it’s never too late to start a fast for the Lord to bring breakthroughs and miracles into your life!

God will meet you right where you are in life! Psalms 34:4 says: “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

So take that leap of faith and just see what God can, and will, do in your life today!

Join fasting and life coach Tammy Hotsenpiller as the 21-day fast that coincides with her new book “Fasting for Miracles” continues!

Also, if you or someone you know needs prayer, send your prayer requests to [email protected]. Your prayer request will join others on the prayer wall at Influence Church.

Fasting for MiraclesTo join her 21-day fasting journey, view the Charisma House website here, “Fasting for Miracles”.

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