Pat Robertson

VIDEO: Pat Robertson Gives Controversial Advice to Woman With Cheating Husband


Pat Robertson is receiving criticism for the advice he gave to a woman whose husband cheated on her. On The 700 Club on Wednesday, the 83-year-old founder of CBN responded to “Ivy,” who wrote into the show seeking advice on how to forgive her husband.

“I’ve been trying to forgive my husband for cheating on me,” the viewer writes. “We have gone to counseling, but I just can’t seem to forgive, nor can I trust. How do you let go of the anger? How do you trust again?”

While his co-host, Kristi Watts, called forgiveness “difficult” and said spousal infidelity is “one of the ultimate betrayals,” Robertson was much more direct.

“Here’s the secret,” he said. “Stop talking about the cheating. He cheated on you, well, he’s a man.”

Watch the video below to hear the rest of his comments.


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