The Prophetic Way to Overcome Serious Stagnation in Your Life


If you still have many unfulfilled dreams, you could be distracted by the natural realm, says author Joe Joe Dawson. When you take on a kingdom mindset—one that realizes that with God, anything is possible—you can achieve impossible dreams. So if there’s stagnation in your life or the life of your ministry, it could be time to shift into more positive thinking and meet some goals.

“Let me give you a lesson from my 7-year-old Ezra,” Dawson says. “The other day we were playing Mario Kart, and we were running and we were doing good. We were in first and second, and we came upon something kinda rough. And Ezra said, ‘Dad, don’t worry about this, we’re going to get through it, you’ve got to have the power of positive thinking.’ And we got through it. He said, ‘See, I told you, you’ve got to prophesy to yourself, dad. You’ve got to have the power of positive thinking.’ …

“A mindset is what separates the best from the rest. … You may love professional basketball, and I’ve listened to different people who interviewed LeBron James or Kobe Bryant, and their mindset and their work ethic. Both of those men said that they get to the gym an hour to two hours before anybody else on the team. Why is that? Because their mindset is strong with the work ethic.”

If you’re afraid of pushback when you go after a challenging dream, just remember to pray consistently, Dawson says on the Kingdom Mindset podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. And most importantly, make the right connections and study or do whatever you have to do to move closer to that vision becoming reality. As the Nike slogan goes, “Just do it!”

“You look at a boxer or MMA fighter, every time they win, they get a higher number on the win column. So don’t be afraid to get into some spiritual warfare, because that’s where the victories happen,” Dawson says. “And in prayer, you must be willing, and be diligent enough to tear down strongholds that the devil has built up in your mind. Destiny does not happen inside of comfort zones. Dreams do not come to pass with complacency.”

To listen to more encouragement on shifting your mindset, click here for the entire episode.


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