Survey: If Election Were Today, 82% of White Evangelicals Would Vote Trump


If the 2020 presidential election were held today, 82% of white evangelical Protestants would vote for Donald Trump’s reelection, according to a new survey released Wednesday by Pew Research Center.

Trump’s overall job approval rating among white evangelical Protestants is 72%—down 6% from the last poll, taken in mid-April—suggesting that his strong election numbers may be due to white evangelicals’ skepticism of his main opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Of the religious groups surveyed, white evangelical Protestants were by far the most supportive of Trump: only 25% of white evangelical Protestants, leading to a net favorability rating of 47%. The second-most supportive group, non-evangelical white Protestants, only gave Trump a 15% net favorability rating.

Trump fared worst among black Protestants, only 12% of whom approved of his job performance (compared to 83% disapproval). Among all U.S. adults, only 39% approved of Trump’s job performance as president, while 59% disapproved.

And though 54% of registered voters told Pew Research they would vote for Biden if the election were held today, only 17% of white evangelical Protestants said the same. Forty-nine percent of this demographic say Biden would make a “terrible” president. {eoa}


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