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Straight Out of a Movie? Demon-Possessed House Torments Owner


“[It] was like living with the invisible man.” That’s how Bob Cranmer, a successful politician and businessman, describes the almost unbelievable events that purportedly unfolded for years inside of his home.

Pandemonium truly began in 1988 when Cranmer and his family moved into their dream house. Even before moving in, though, he told The Playing With Fire Podcast that there were some strange signs something wasn’t quite right.


In fact, Cranmer, who also documents his story in the book The Demon of Brownsville Road, and his family experienced something peculiar on the day they toured the home before purchasing it.

“My wife noticed that our young son was not with us … my wife and … the woman of the house set off upstairs to find him,” Cranmer said. “He was on the staircase … standing there trembling.”

Cranmer said the homeowner’s immediate response was, “Oh, honey, did you see something?” It was a strange question that caught his wife off-guard and served as a “red flag,” as they wondered what the woman meant.

On another occasion, while negotiating the home’s purchase, Cranmer recalled asking the owner if there was anything wrong with the property and the owner purportedly said, “Oh, no, no, no. … in fact, we’ve had Mass in the living room twice.”

It was another response that Cranmer filed under the “odd” category. But the family pushed these minor concerns to the side and proceeded to buy the large Victorian home.

Just months after moving in, they started noticing some strange occurrences: faucets randomly running, lights turning on, radios playing on their own and chairs moving. Over time, he said the events inside the home started to impact his children.

To read the rest of this story, please visit our content partners at Faithwire.com. {eoa}

Reprinted with permission from CBN.com. Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved

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