Steve Harvey with the Miss Universe contestants.

Steve Harvey Blames Infamous Gaffe On God


The prolific author, talk show host, comedian, game show host and then Miss Universe host made the mistake of the year when he accidentally crowned the wrong woman.  

Steve Harvey mistakenly announced Miss Colombia was the new Miss Universe, rather than Miss Philippines.  

Now, Harvey told The Hollywood Reporter he blames the gaffe on God.  

“I was asking God to help me increase my global persona,” Harvey told THR. “I don’t appreciate the route he took. You’ve got to be real specific with God. It was a challenging night for sure.” 

It probably didn’t help when he later tweeted an apology to a book of the Bible (Philippians) rather than the now reigning Miss Universe, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach.  

Harvey talked at length about his faith during his final stand-up comedy routine

“Somebody tweeted me and said, ‘Your career is what you paid for, your calling is what you’re made for.’ God has positioned me just this way to be just like I am, to say what I say how I say it,” Harvey said. “I’m just a living witness that you can be an imperfect soldier and still be in the army fighting for God Almighty. Don’t you think you got to be perfect ’cause I ain’t. Thank y’all for 27 years. I love you.”


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