Samuel L. Jackson: I Try to Live by These Words of Jesus


In an interview discussing the new movie Incredibles 2, Samuel L. Jackson shared what principle he chooses to live by, and it’s actually the words of Jesus in Luke 6:31, “Do to others as you would have others do unto you,” also known as the Golden Rule.

The actor added, “I always try and treat people the way I want them to treat me. So, I give people the benefit of the doubt.” When asked about his regular involvement in superhero movies, from his role as Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers, Captain America, Civil War) to Incredibles, he said he thinks the movies “Gives people the idea that they can be more. Taps into something inside themselves, and they can get to that be-more place.”

While Jackson doesn’t speak about his faith often, while receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 16th Annual BET awards, Jackson, in his acceptance speech, thanked God for his career, stating, “First I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity even in the beginning. A young man who grew up in a segregated Tennessee, nobody told me I could be this. So, here I am, and here you are. Thank God for that.”

Jackson grew up going to church in Tennessee and still tries to give back. When it comes to supporting his own movies, he states that he bought tickets for his church to see Captain America: The First Avenger. “If you can’t contribute to your own box office, what can you do?” Jackson asked. “Not only do I see it, I actually buy like $2,000 of tickets and give them to the church. So at least I can say the movie made at least $2,000 in the opening weekend.”

In the interview with Movieguide®, Jackson also discussed how Dads can perceive homemaking and childrearing to be an easy task, and how that’s shown not to be true in Incredibles 2. You can see his comments in the video.


This article originally appeared on Movieguide®. Find out what God’s doing in Hollywood!


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