Ron Carpenter preached about the iniquity of homosexuality.

Ron Carpenter: Much of Homosexual Activity is Iniquity, But …


Ron Carpenter’s changing the rhetoric from nature vs. nurture to iniquity vs. sin. 

“You can’t open up somebody’s body and find sin,” the megachurch pastor says in a sermon. “…The word ‘iniquity’ is not sin. The word ‘iniquity’ means bent or twisted and everybody is born bent toward something. So I disagree with a lot of people who say you can’t be born that way, if it’s an iniquity you can be.”

That’s exactly why Jesus says we have to be born again, Carpenter says. “Because the first time I was born, I was born (bending), but here comes Jesus (straightening). Somebody tell your neighbor Jesus will straighten things out.”

He believes that homosexuality is a generational sin, and this is the first generation where it’s culturally acceptable to not only mention your struggle, but celebrate it. 

Carpenter, however, wrote on Facebook later that he was open to discussion about his points. 

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