Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary

Pornography In-Flight App May Debut on Europe Airliner


The skies may not be so friendly if you are flying Ryanair. That’s because the European discount airline is working on a plan to introduce in-flight porn. The pornography play comes from the same airline that pondered making passengers pay to use the plane’s potty.

“I’m not talking about having it on screens on the back of seats for everyone to see. It would be on handheld devices,” Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary told London’s Sun tabloid. “Hotels around the world have it, so why wouldn’t we?”

Morality in Media is answering that question with a call on U.S. citizens and more than 50 European pro-family organizations to contact Ryanair about its plans to offer a pornographic in-flight app for mobile devices.

O’Leary is known for his wild ideas, and Rynair’s homepage offers a glimpse into the corporate culture. Banner ads showing scantily clad women promise “Red Hot Fares and Crew” for less than $20. And an advertisement for the airline’s 2012 calendar shows the cabin crew wearing revealing bikinis a la the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

“We will stop this outrage before it gets started,” says Dawn Hawkins, executive director of Morality in Media. “Ryanair, which hopes to expand its market to U.S. destinations as well, is creating an unsafe environment for every individual who travels on their planes.”

According to Hawkins, a wealth of research demonstrates that pornography consumption is a leading cause of sexual violence and sexual assault as well as a significant contributing factor to sex trafficking. It is also addictive and a danger to children, who will no doubt be exposed to it if allowed on planes.

“Can you imagine how uncomfortable most women passengers and female flight attendants will feel with several men viewing pornography in the small space of an airplane?” asks Hawkins. “In an office workplace, this would constitute a clear case of sexual harassment.”

Patrick Trueman, Morality in Media’s president and CEO, is urging all travelers from the U. S. and Europe to avoid using Ryanair Airlines and encouraging all citizens to contact the company immediately and ask that they say no to porn.

You can contact all top Ryanair executives at once by visiting Porn Harms and sending an email message.


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