More than a decade after Bill Wiese publicized his horrifying experience in the pit of hell, captivating national attention and garnering over half a million copies in sales of

New York Times Best-Seller Reveals the Truth About Hell to a Skeptical Generation


More than a decade after Bill Wiese publicized his horrifying experience in the pit of hell, captivating national attention and garnering over half a million copies in sales of 23 Minutes in Hell, curiosity and skepticism about the afterlife is at an all-time high among a new generation.

The newly released tenth anniversary edition of 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese includes exclusive new content from Wiese’s gut-wrenching true story, answering the many questions that occupy the minds of the disbelieving.

Holly McClure, host of the evening radio talk show, Holly McClure Live, on KPRZ San Diego, California, wrote the foreword for Wiese’s new release.

She has been a fervent advocate of Wiese’s message since the day she experienced its undeniable impact on her life.

McClure said, “A recent poll asked more than a thousand Americans about the subject of eternal life, and 67 percent believed that their souls would go to heaven or hell when they died, while 24 percent did not believe that either heaven or hell even existed.”

“That statistic—the people who don’t believe heaven or hell exists—is why I’m passionate about sharing Bill’s story,” she added. “God has sent Bill with a wake-up message for you and those you love because God doesn’t want anyone to spend eternity without Him.”

Since the original book released, Wiese has taken his astounding story to the masses, revealing its vivid details on The Sean Hannity Show, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! and many others.

He has also appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network and the Miracle Channel. But Wiese makes his goal very clear in relaying such horrific details to a new skeptical generation of readers.

“I have always said it is not important whether people believe my experience,” he added. “It is only important that they check out for themselves what the Bible has to say about hell and avoid it just the same. I am just a signpost to point people to the Scriptures.”

Wiese has been a dedicated Christian and has served in various capacities, including teaching and leading worship, since 1970. He is an accomplished speaker, and has done over four hundred radio interviews in the Christian and mainstream markets. He is a successful realtor with over 40 years’ experience. {eoa}


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