Mario Murillo: The Shift for America Has Come


Numerous prophetic voices have declared a shift is coming. It actually has already begun.

Last weekend in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Flashpoint LIVE and Mario Murillo hosted a two-day crusade called Awake Oklahoma. In October last year, when the planning for this event began, some said the Mabee Center would never fill up. (It holds 10,000 people when maxed out.)

Not only did the arena fill up on both nights, but on the second night we filled the overflow room with another 2,000 people. Approximately 3,000 people came forward to receive Christ, and hundreds, perhaps thousands, were miraculously healed.

What just happened? There has been a shift.

Of the event, evangelist Mario Murillo said, “The biggest implication of this event in Tulsa is radical change. The clear message here is ‘Don’t wait.'”

What does he mean? The time is now. What many thought would take years to begin has begun.

It is because the overwhelming majority of Americans are fed up with the transformation of America from a first-world country to a country subservient to others as our government officials work to destroy our nation with ongoing mandates and shutdowns. We watched as these policies created rising inflation and unsustainable spending of our tax dollars, bringing recession to our doorstep. We watch, it seems almost helplessly, as they work to manufacture famine to further control us and create dependence on the very ones who have orchestrated this entire debacle.

“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD” (Ps. 27:13-14, NASB1995).

What they don’t understand is the God factor.

What we saw in Tulsa on April 21 and 22 is the true indicator. It wasn’t a typical Christian-attended crusade. This was different.

Those who came were people fed up with the direction in which our country is being taken. People crying out for change. Those who flooded the altars both nights were not just those rededicating their lives to Christ, but also many who had never before given their lives to Christ.

Consider that it was almost exactly one year earlier when Clay Clark, founder of the ReAwaken America Tour with General Michael Flynn, launched their first meeting, also in Tulsa. It sold out in 48 hours with 4,000 in attendance.

Clark and his team of speakers are a who’s who of conservative politics such as Gen. Flynn, Roger Stone, Dr. Simone Gold, Leigh Dundas, Eric Trump, Charlie Kirk, Mike Lindell, Dr. Stella Immanuel and many more. What was the common denominator of the two very different events? Both had an attendance of a mix of conservatives and moderates — definitely not just Christians — who were fed up with the direction in which our present leadership has hijacked our nation. In both sets of meetings, people have come to Christ by the hundreds and thousands.

Can we acknowledge a shift has taken place?

This move is here because people are coming to the recognition that God is our only hope. The “remnant,” once small, has become a mighty army and continues to grow.

Hank Kunneman said after the Tulsa meetings, “There is a divine shift taking place. I believe that there is coming a mark of God that will come upon your life. That will preserve you, your marriage, your finances, your family and will preserve our nation.

“We demand that there is a shift in the spirit realm over this nation. We demand that the winds of change blow greater.

“There is a tangible shift and we will see it with our eyes. Now may your eyes be opened to see a fresh perspective of what God is doing and what God has said,” he finished.

Ron McIntosh, one of the event coordinators behind the Awake Oklahoma/Mario Murillo event, saw this shift coming and shares about it in detail in his upcoming book, Shift: Repositioning God’s People for Revival. He got a glimpse of it three years ago as the Holy Spirit interrupted a meeting where he was speaking. As he stepped to the podium, the Lord spoke to him to speak from Ezekiel 37 regarding the valley of dry bones. When he read the scripture Ezekiel 37:10 (NIV), “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet — a vast army,” with no prompting, the congregation stood, as if on cue, and ran to the front of the altar. Some were recommitting their lives to Christ; others gave their lives to Him for the first time.

“It was incredible,” McIntosh said. “There was an outbreak of signs, wonders and miracles. Some as I laid my hands on people, and some happened spontaneously as people stood crying out to God.”

That is the shift taking place. A hunger for God that we have not seen in years. A desperation for Him to move and free us from corruption and the evil permeating the globe creating laws to further legalize the killing of babies, as well as homosexuality and perversion.

The prophets were correct; a shift was coming …

In fact, it is here.

Karen Hardin is a literary agent and writer. She is the author of Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity and God’s Justice after Injustice. Her work has been published in USA Today, Western Journal, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, and more. She is also the co-founder of the prayer movement and founder of to take back our cities and nation.

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