Larry Tomczak: Understanding Authentic Social Justice


Scores of Americans are being manipulated and propagandized by leftist-leaning politicians, celebrities and the media. The pressure is on to embrace the false narrative of the mob or face mockery and instant rejection.

What’s at the core?

“Social justice” is the catch-all mantra, and everything under the sun is thrown in the hopper. Masses are being misled. “Racial justice … income equality … reparations … women’s rights … LGBTQ demands … Green New Deal … join the revolution!”

Wait a minute. Are you being led like a sheep to the slaughter? Do you know how to discern between what stems from a biblical worldview versus demonic deception?

Take five minutes to watch this video. Then listen to Larry Tomczak’s engagement with Nashville leader Steve Berger on the Here’s the Deal podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. Berger brought together 10,000 people for a massive “Without Walls” drive-in prayer experience. {eoa}


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