dc Talk posted this mysterious photo on their social media accounts, leaving fans speculating what it means.

Is dc Talk Reuniting?


It’s simple: A black square. White text. Four numbers. Will 2017 be the year dc Talk reunites? Releases a new album? What does it mean? 

Social media fans are clamoring for answers.  

“NO DON’T TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS,” writes Mike Denison on Facebook.  

Rapzilla said: “YOU GUYS BETTER RAP!” 

On Instagram: “Is @dctalkofficial coming back together in 2017??? Please say yes!” posted user joshparades.  

Brarig219 says: “@dctalkofficial please guys. Just please. The world needs this! Would be more excited than I can tell you!” 

It should be noted most pictures on their Instagram are album covers. 

Thus far, no members of the former band—Toby Mac, Michael Tait or Kevin Max—have officially commented on social media about what the picture may mean.  

The trio did lay down a track on Mac’s latest album This Is Not a Test. 

“But I think more than likely something might brew up in the future. I think there’s something out there for us to do that would be really fun and collaborative, maybe some type of reunion thing. I think it would be fun. I’m not against it. I’m for it. I’m just waiting for the right time in each of our lives where the schedule opens up enough to go take a shot at something,” Mac said in February. 

What do you think? Sound off! 


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