‘I Still Stand in Jesus’ Name’: Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac Doubles Down on Anthem Stance


Just days after sparking attention all over the internet, Orlando Magic player Jonathan Isaac is doubling down on his decision to remain standing for the national anthem.

Despite the backlash he’s faced, Isaac is standing his ground.

What Happened?

The 22-year-old athlete became the first and only NBA player inside the bubble to remain standing during “The Star-Spangled Banner.” He also decided not to wear a Black Lives Matter T-shirt, according to CBN News.

During a presser, Isaac explained he does, of course, believe Black lives matter. His life, however, is ultimately grounded in his faith in God—not a political campaign.

I believe that black lives matter,” he said. “Kneeling while wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt [doesn’t] go hand-in-hand with supporting black lives. My life has been supported through the gospel—Jesus Christ—and everyone is made in the image of God.”

His decision was personal, not a choice intended to make him popular.

“My teammates know who I am and what I believe as a person and they respect me for the decision,” Isaac said. “For me, personally, it’s not coming from a position of wanting to be popular or wanting to be seen. It all came down to what’s in my heart; I stake my flag with Jesus.”

Click here to read the rest of this article from our content partners at Faithwire. {eoa}


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