2021 12 Lombardo shipwreck faith

How to Avoid Seeing Your Faith Become Shipwrecked


The Scriptures are clear that it is possible to have your faith in Christ shipwrecked.

The trials of life come, there are questions unanswered, or at the very least many people grow up in religious circles and institutions where they get hurt and burned out and they forsake Jesus for those very reasons. This is heartbreaking, yet a reality the church must face head-on.

The truth of the matter is, we will have tribulation this this world, but we have the overcoming Spirit of Christ inside of us so we can rise above the tides. Also, aside from hardships, we will always have questions in this life where we don’t get immediate answers. Just because every aspect of our life doesn’t make sense and there are question marks on some Scriptures we don’t quite understand doesn’t mean we forsake the person of Jesus altogether. We may not have all the answers to the dilemmas of this current world, but the answer has us, and His name is Jesus.

Tune in to the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, where I speak to Brian Zahnd about holding fast to the person of Jesus as we are challenged with questions on this side of eternity. {eoa}

Connect with Michael Lombardo at lifepouredoutintl.org and on Facebook. Order his book, Immersed in His Glory, here.

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