How God Healed This Drug-Addicted Baseball Star From His Demons


One of the enemy’s biggest lies is that somehow fame, fortune, notoriety and success will bring us true and lasting happiness. Humans toil restlessly to gain these things, and they go through tremendous fetes to possess them.

We see this in Scripture with King Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes. He lists all of his accomplishments, talents and material possessions all to say, “vanity of vanities, all is futile” (Eccl. 1:2b). Not only are we as humans still left empty and wanting when we have these luxuries, but they can also lead us down dangerous paths that bring destruction into our lives.

Drug abuse, perversion, gambling and more, the list could go on. Money and fame prove to be too much for many individuals, and they drown in its deceit.

This is the story of world-renowned baseball player Darryl Strawberry. He had all of the above, and it led him into addictions of all kinds, a partying lifestyle and deep perversion. At one point, he was so broken and defeated that he didn’t even want to live, all while so many in the world looked up to him as a role model.

In the darkness that encompassed Darryl, he cried out to the Lord and experienced the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. He began to pursue the Lord with everything, and now he travels the world sharing the Good News of the gospel and the power of God to transform our lives from darkness to light.

On the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with Darryl Strawberry about his life story and how he overcame the demons of his past. He points the listener to the love and grace of Jesus Christ and how Christ alone has the power to change lives.

He shares about how following Jesus is the key to happiness, success and fruitfulness for every person. He shares story after story about how the Lord led Him through the valleys of life and brought him to a place where now he gets to share his testimony with the masses and see lives transformed like his own. Tune in to be encouraged and strengthened in your faith.

Connect with Michael Lombardo at and on Facebook. Order his book, Immersed in His Glory here. {eoa}


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