‘God Just Put Us Together’: Gwen Stefani Credits Faith for Marriage to Blake Shelton


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For many, opening up about failed relationships is a trying and painful experience. The moment when a future someone thought was certain is suddenly stripped away, can have a devastating effect to the heart, mind and soul.

In a recent episode of “The Drew Barrymore Show,” singer and “The Voice” judge Gwen Stefani shared about her marriage with her husband Blake Shelton and feeling like her life was over after her divorce.

When discussing their upcoming anniversary, Stefani shared what she believes is the cause of their happy marriage.

“God put us together. It was one of those situations where I didn’t see it coming,” Stefani said.

The two stars discussed the origins of Stefani and Shelton’s marriage and how they came to be acquainted with one another.

After divorcing her husband of 13 years, Gavin Rossdale of the rock band Bush, Stefani felt the loneliness and thoughts of failure that often come with ending a marriage. Claims of infidelity on Rossdale’s part rocked the singer’s world and the lives of their three children.

“I was like, ‘I’m gonna wake up every day. I’m gonna have a coffee. I’m gonna take care of my kids, and then I’m gonna go to bed.’ Like I’m never gonna kiss anyone,” Stefani shared. “I thought my life was over, and then Blake Shelton was like, ‘Hey. I’m Blake Shelton.'”

Shelton was also recovering from a divorce of his own.

His marriage to fellow country music superstar Miranda Lambert ended in 2015 shortly after Stefani’s divorce was finalized. This was a public and tumultuous time for both parties of the Shelton and Lambert divorce, as accusations of infidelity abounded and were highly publicized.

Stefani explained to Barrymore how it had to have been a God-thing, because of how little the two singers had in common.

“We think the same about things, yet we’re so different. Like, he’s watching football and doing his stuff that he does, and I’m putting makeup on. We’re so different, yet we’re so the same on so many levels,” she explained.

Throughout their relationship, Stefani has consistently thanked God for the relationship she is in with Shelton. That expression of faith is starting to rub off on Blake as well.

In an interview at the 2022 Country Radio Seminar in Nashville, Shelton shared how Stefani’s faith is impacting him as a person and in his music career:

“I think that under the circumstances that Gwen and I fell in love with each other and got together was all the proof I needed,” Shelton explains. “She has such a strong faith in God. That’s No. 1 in her life and has been her whole life. She doesn’t beat you over the head with it—she would never do that. That’s her relationship.”

Living out Matthew 5:16 and “letting your light shine before others” can have a huge impact on the world around us.

With a celebrity of Stefani’s fame publicly thanking God and giving Him the glory, it will have a spiritual effect on those who witness this, including her husband.

“I’ve learned a lot from Gwen about a lot of things, really just watching her, learning from her and learning how she thinks and how she treats people, and how she just operates in her life,” Shelton notes. “Naturally I start seeing God in everything, because she does. Of course, that starts bleeding into my records and my music, and next thing you know, I’m recording songs and writing songs about faith and God.”

All it takes is the faith the size of a mustard seed, and God can use that faith to restore relationships, and equip believers to change the world around them. {eoa}

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James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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