Evangelist Franklin Graham at a stop on his Decision America Tour.

Franklin Graham: Episcopal Church ‘Deserves’ to Be Reprimanded Over Gay Marriage


The Anglican Communion’s suspension of the Episcopal Church over gay marriage drew some critics, but also strong support, including evangelist Franklin Graham.  

“The Episcopal Church in the U.S. has just received a major scolding,” Graham posted on Facebook. “The worldwide Anglican Communion voted to suspend the entire U.S. Episcopal Church this week because it has embraced same-sex marriage, allowing the election of homosexual priests and allowing same-sex marriages to be performed.  

“They deserve to be called out for this—it is wrong and is against what Almighty God clearly teaches in His Word. I hope this will cause the Episcopal Church here in America to realize the seriousness of the steps they’ve taken contrary to the Bible and cause them to turn back to following what God’s Word tells us.” 

The Anglican Communion announced the suspension earlier this month.  

The move is a reaction to a string of Episcopal Church decisions stretching back to 2004 when it elected Gene Robinson, an openly gay man, as a bishop. In July, the Episcopal Church voted to allow its clergy to perform same-sex marriages, something the majority of the other churches in the communion do not approve, Charisma News previously reported. 


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