Beth Eckert

Exclusive: How God Grabbed Hold of a Witch and Made Her His Child


Her testimony shattered me from the very beginning: Her raw passion for Jesus, her candid talk about the occult and desire to unveil the truth in all things clearly mirror the transformative power of the gospel.  

Perhaps, you’ve followed her sage wisdom on Charisma News. If not, allow me to introduce you to a woman who, despite all odds, is spitting in the face of the demonic realm as she proclaims Christ.  

Beth Eckert is an ex-witch and a victim of ritual Satanic abuse, among other devastating oppression that chained her for years.  

“Where Spirit of God is, there is freedom,” Eckert tells Charisma News. “When you clear out darkness inside of you—and we all have it—the more you’re willing to surrender areas of darkness in soul, the more room there is for the Spirit of God to inhabit and bring freedom, to allow you to walk in  your calling, and be more aware of the devices and ploys of devil.”  

Now an adult—a wife and mom—Eckert’s inner healing has revealed the torment she suffered at the hands of the demonic realm, which began when she was as young as 3. Eckert says she was sexually abused in a Satanic ritual in a Mormon church.  

As Eckert transitioned from childhood to adulthood, the occult fascinated her. She frequently sought entertainment about vampires, witchcraft and zombies. After her ex-boyfriend killed himself, “I was primed and ready,” for the evils of Wicca to take hold.  

She met a man who described “god as this all-encompassing being who was part of everything and everyone more like an energy. I could be part of … this positive, loving, beautiful thing.” 

That’s when the family of Wiccans brought her into their circle, though the matriarch—the head of their coven—wanted Eckert gone. 

“That drove me even further into witchcraft to prove to them that I could be part of group family,” Eckert says. “I had this newfound desperation. I had tasted acceptance and love, then it was ripped away. I threw myself into learning and practicing on my own and having an altar and reading book after book, doing spells and ritual incantations and astral traveling.” 

Eckert says witchcraft is about intent, and many people—even Christians—may practice it without realizing. 

“Strong emotion behind intention (harnesses) supernatural power, that’s what witchcraft is.”  

For decades, Eckert says she was unknowingly engaging in witchcraft and even placing curses on people she felt had wronged her. A person casts a curse by putting intense feeling behind a negative thought and allowing the emotion to drive the person.  

But nearly three years ago, “God swept in,” Eckert says.  

He “tossed me upside down because I was so worldly. I was smoking pot when I was going to work, drinking, cussing, watching The Walking Dead and Vampire Diaries. Music was a big thing, and letting it all hang out. I wanted it to be sexy, but God flipped that and removed all (the evil) desires … (and gave me a) sensitivity to be around things that had violence, cursing and all that.” 

God used her connection to the occult to reveal the truth about the spiritual realm, Eckert says. She says she can sense demons and use this revelation to know how to pray.  

As she grows in her faith, Eckert is unmasking the occult. By definition, occult means “to remain hidden” or “in secret.” By sharing her testimony, Eckert exposes Satan’s manipulative tools and breaks down the power of the demonic realm.  

The devil has a plan to indoctrinate people into the occult without them knowing it, Eckert says. But his plan is far from original.  

“In ancient times in the Old Testament, it was very easy for Satan to basically do satanic rituals out in the open. To sacrifice to Molech was not a big deal because everyone was doing it; it was part of the culture 

“Somewhere over time, that culture decided it was not OK (to sacrifice children), and … the devil had to find a way to hide it to do the exact same thing.” 

In today’s society, some have argued America’s infatuation with abortion mirrors the sacrifices to Molech.   

This sign, among others, leads Eckert to believe the world is rapidly approaching the end of days.  

“(Satan) is going to be continually working to indoctrinate people to awaken when antichrist arises,” Eckert says. “If people like me are walking around doing witchcraft and had no idea, how much could he use me, let alone someone who says or believes they’re a Christian?” 

But believers must remember that Christ’s victory on the cross is not a trite idea repeated in Sunday School. Ultimately, He will defeat the prince of this earth, and Christians have the same power that filled Jesus Himself.  

“(The) world is a place where we are mighty soldiers, carrying torches and waiting for moment for God to call them out, and say, ‘Yes, you. It’s your time.'”

And that’s how God snatched Eckert from Satan’s grasp and raised her up to fight in His army. 


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