Jesus differs greatly from the myths.

Ex New-Age Expert Shatters Popular Pagan Myth About Jesus


Many New-Age subscribers deny the deity of Christ because they believe Jesus is a legend based on ancient pagan myths.

Comparative mythology says Jesus is merely the Christian version of pagan idols like Mithras, Horus, Osiris and more.

It’s all bologna, according to New-Age expert turned radical Christian Steven Bancarz.

“The story of Jesus is nothing like the story of Horus, Mithra, Krishna, Osiris or any of the other pagan gods that he is often claimed of plagiarizing,” he says in a recent video. “There simply is no story in the ancient world of someone being born of a virgin, being crucified and then resurrected from the dead.”

The video is part of Bancarz’s project, A Case for Faith.

Need more proof? Watch the video to see his full explanation.





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