Korie Robertson with her book,

‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Korrie Robertson Blames Decay of America on This


TV mom Korie Robertson lays the blame for the decay of America at the feet of the politicians. 

In her new book, Strong and Kind, Robertson addresses how to build the character that reflects the truth of God. However, a focus on faith can be difficult when legislators let their morality slide. 

“I think we’ve excused politicians for way too long,” Robertson says. “We’ve not held them up to be people of character, people of good values, people we’d want our children to be.” 

And as the politicians faith fades from the spotlight, so goes the religion from the public square. Robertson says the country is seeing the results of the shift. 

“We’ve turned away from God. We’ve said to God, basically, ‘No thank you. I think we know better,'” Robertson said. “And … it’s showing in the way that our young people are growing up and the respect that our young people have for authority, and the way that people are acting towards each other.” 

To return America once again to be a place of character, Robertson says parents have the responsibility to instill character into their children.


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