Colton Dixon with his new wife, Annie.

Why Colton Dixon’s Views on Sex and Marriage Shock Mainstream Media


Christian singer-songwriter and American Idol alum Colton Dixon is making headlines over his comments about saving sex for marriage.

Dixon, 24, married his fiancee Annie Coggeshall (27) on Jan. 8, in Nashville, Tennessee, after three years of dating.

The two honeymooned at the Polynesian resort in Moorea (an island in French Polynesia).

The coupled waited until they tied the knot before becoming intimate.

In an interview with People, Dixon shared why the couple waited until they were married to have sex. 

“It was not easy!” said Dixon. “But I believe sex was designed for marriage and I knew it would be more meaningful to wait. That was something I grew up thinking and feeling, and I believe the Bible backs it up as well.”

Annie added, “It wasn’t because someone was telling me this is what you should do.”

“Deep down in my heart it felt like it was the right thing. And we’re really glad we did. We know God’s hand is on our marriage,” she said.

Dixon’s faith played a huge role during his stint on American Idol. The Christian singer sang “Everything” by the rock band Lifehouse.

He ended the performance on his knees, filled with so much emotion that he almost whispered the song’s last line, “Would you tell me how could it be any better than this.”

“What a way to start this show! I was really moved,” Jennifer Lopez said after the performance.

Dixon perfomed the song again during his elimination from the show.

He often shares Bible verses with followers, and thanks God for his experiences on American Idol.

In a 2012 interview with CBN News, Dixon shared about his faith and how he looks up to other Christians who dare to share their convictions.

“People see Christians taking a stand in the secular world and they want to be the first to pounce. Take Tim Tebow,” he said. “You know he’s taken a huge stance and people are wanting him to mess up and I hate that because we’re just like everyone else, and we’re human, and we’re going to mess up, but it gives me the drive to not and to set a good example.”

Dixon has released two studio albums that have topped the Christian charts.


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