CN Morning Rundown: Prophetic Word From Jonathan Cahn on the Ominous Afghanistan Harbinger


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Prophetic Word From Jonathan Cahn: The Ominous Afghanistan Harbinger

The first book I ever wrote was called The Harbinger. It revealed a prophetic mystery and warning to America of coming danger.

In the last days of ancient Israel, nine harbingers, or prophetic signs warning of coming judgment, appeared in the land.

The Harbinger reveals that those same nine prophetic signs have now appeared on American soil—some in New York City, some in Washington, D.C.—some involving objects, ceremonies, national leaders, even presidents of the United States.

Is This Major Airline Hiding the Truth About Massive Flight Cancellations?

Thousands of Southwest Airlines Co. pilots appear to have joined the fight against vaccine mandates. Over the weekend, the airline canceled nearly 2,000 flights, by far the highest rate of the major U.S. airlines, per, and the outages are continuing on Monday, NPR reports. The airline blames a combination of bad weather, traffic control problems and a shortage of available staff, but other airlines canceled relatively few flights.

You Won’t Find This News About Afghanistan Anywhere Else

We’ve seen Afghanistan dominating the recent news. We’ve seen the chaos mount after the Biden administration announced, then carried out, its total withdrawal of troops. We’ve heard the stories of people, especially Christians, living under extreme levels of persecution as the Taliban has taken control of the government.

But Todd Nettleton, host of Voice of the Martyrs radio and the Forbidden Faith podcast, sees these headlines a different way, and he wants us to know one critical fact: The danger for Christians in Afghanistan started long before the recent U.S. withdrawal and Taliban takeover.

“It has always been dangerous to be a follower of Christ in Afghanistan,” he tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It has always been dangerous to say, ‘Yeah, I was born in a Muslim family. But I’m not a Muslim anymore; I’m a follower of Jesus.'” {eoa}

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