Mike and Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs Calls for Reformation Day Intercession


Although Oct. 31 is most famously recognized as Halloween, many Christians know it as Reformation Day. Martin Luther, upset because Roman Catholic officials were promising people forgiveness or early escape from purgatory in exchange for money, nailed his 95 theses to a church door on Oct. 31, 1517.

Christians today celebrate Oct. 31 in remembrance of the Reformation Luther started on the same day in the 16th century. Mike and Cindy Jacobs of Generals International are hosting a special Web event in honor of the holiday.

The live webcast, “Reformation Day,” will begin at 7 p.m. CDT and will call for a reformation back to biblical values. The founders of Generals International believe that recent natural disasters are signs that the earth is groaning for the revelation of the sons of God and that reformation is needed now more than ever. Through prayer and worship, they will ask God to bring reformation to the hearts of people, to the United States and to the nations of the earth.

“This year as we prepare for the upcoming elections in the United States we will have a special time of intercession for the year for the upcoming elections, a night of prayer,” Cindy Jacobs says. “So won’t you tune in and join us. Help us turn our nations to righteousness. Help us as we build a wall of prayer. Build a wall of prayer around your city, your state, your nation.”

The program will include Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Mark Gonzales, Sam Rodriguez, Herman Martir, Will and Dehavilland Ford, John Benefiel, and James Nesbit, with worship led by Bethany Stephens.

“Join us,” Cindy Jacobs pleads. “You will be thrilled and excited and changed forever.”

For more information and to view the webcast, visit generals.org/reformationday.


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