Isaiah Saldivar and Jonathan Cahn Discuss The Spiritual Battle Taking Place In America Today


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Across the world Christians are talking about the spiritual influences that are affecting our world as we know it today. The complacency, do-nothing attitude is quickly falling off, as believers are awakening to the onslaught from ancient entities that have returned to America.

Revivalist Isaiah Saldivar sat down with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to talk about the demons that have returned to possess America.

In his interview with Saldivar, Cahn says the spirits are seeking to take Christian civilization and turn it into a pagan dominated culture. Talking about the god Ishtar, or known in Greek mythology as Aphrodite, this goddess promoted carnality in the form of seduction. It’s obvious that America has a horrible pornography problem and an continual increase in perversion and open sexuality. Cahn says Ishtar has permeated “through the realm of sexuality.”

“She starts taking sex out of marriage, putting it into the marketplace, putting it into the culture, she sexualizes America and she sexualizes the West, she’s trying to sexualize the world and that’s exactly what she did back then,” he says.

During the interview, they talk about the sexual revolution and the weakening of marriages and family in America. There is no coincidence to what is unfolding before our eyes today. In his book, “Return of the Gods” Cahn shares biblical and historical insight for the body of Christ to understand what is happening behind the veil.

“The gods could only return if there had been a falling away from the Christian faith and a biblical worldview. No single event or date can be pinpointed as the beginning of the failing away. It was a process. But there were milestones, turning points, and moments of critical mass.”

Cahn talks in depth about each of those moments of critical mass throughout American history. Each event lines up with biblical precedence. In 1990, Trinity College in Connecticut estimated there to be around 8,000 practicing wiccans in America. Now, in 2022 there are more practicing occult members across the country than there are Presbyterian churchgoers.

The time to stand by and sit on the sidelines is over. The goal isn’t to glorify the works of the enemy but instead to realize the importance of shining the light of Jesus everywhere you go.

It isn’t just Ishtar that Cahn believes has returned to infiltrate Western civilization. The ancient entities that take you back to ancient Sumer, Assyria and Babylonia, consists of The Possessor, The Enchantress, The Destroyer and The Transformer.

Tune in to the full free interview to hear more about how you can pray, spread the word and understand what’s going on through years of research on historical and biblical text. {eoa}

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.


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