Adam LaVorgna in 'Masterless.'

‘Christian Samurai’ Film Depicts the Reality Most Faith-Based Films Ignore


Some might recognize him from 7th Heaven, but Adam LaVorgna’s latest role parallels his own life and return to Christ.  

Masterless is a battle between good and evil presented both in modern day and the spiritual plane. LaVorgna plays both Kane and Ronin, Kane’s counterpart in the spiritual realm. 

“It’s hard to put into words,” LaVornga says of the film. “(Kane’s) life is mirrored in an alternate world where he has a doppleganger. It’s kind of like this spiritual world where the Ronin (a samurai without a master) represents good, and evil is represented by the master.” 

The film, which held its world premiere last month with home distribution scheduled for early next year, differs from many faith-based movies because it takes viewers on a philosophical journey rather than preaching a sermon, LaVorgna says.  

The star praised director and writer Craig Shimahara for the movie’s direction. LaVorgna says God brought them together to present a faith-based project to Hollywood that could see success beyond the Christian market.  

The religious elements of Masterless appealed to LaVorgna because the story of Kane mirrors his own testimony.  

The actor’s grandmother raised him in the Catholic Church until he fell away during his time in boarding school. LaVorgna dipped his toes in the acting pool when he was 9 years old, and quickly began landing roles.  

The young LaVagorna landed roles in hits like Law and Order, Matlock and a recurring guest spot as Robbie in 7th Heaven’s earlier seasons.  

But Hollywood took its toll.  

“I was surrounded by pedophiles, surrounded by alcohol and drugs. Those I looked up to were all doing it,” LaVorgna says. “I had this delusional idea of what it’s like to be happy and successful. I got away from church at 15-16, and by my mid-20s, I was lost.” 

God never quite let go, though.  

The out-of-control actor prayed every so often, he says, but his surroundings muffled the voice of the Lord.  

To return to God and church, LaVorgna says he needed a healthy dose of maturity.  

“Once I matured enough to face God, to look at Him, for Him to be proud, once I started doing that, my life turned around. It was slow, but on a steady incline.” 

He says it’s the same storyline Kane endures in Masterless. 

LaVorgna wants his faith to be the drive behind his success now. 

“Fame and money comes with being successful, but if I’m successful, I will have a voice and impact people,” LaVorgna says. “… Everything’s about what you do while you’re here (on Earth), and if I can actually help here, there’s nothing cooler than that.”


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