Lee University's Jordan Smith stuns judges on 'The Voice.'

Charismatic Lee University Student Snags ‘Most Important Person To Ever Be On’ The Voice


Church of God’s Lee University has yet another talented vocalist shocking viewers on reality TV. 

Jordan Smith, a senior at the Pentecostal college, wowed judges on The Voice, shocking each and every one of them as their chairs whirled around. 

“I don’t know if I’m really happy or really scared,” Smith says. 

Smith is a member of the Lee Singers, one of several choirs on campus. 

The school is renown for its musical talent, having vocalists like Clark Beckham compete on reality shows, and a group choir performing at the presidential inauguration. 

Smith joined Adam Levine’s team after the Maroon 5 frontman declared Smith to be the “most important person to ever be on this show.”

Watch the video to see his audition. 


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