Cameron Candace Bure Ditches Secular Christmas Films for New Faith-Based Network


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Actress Candace Cameron Bure is taking her talents to a new network that promotes faith-based content. The “Full House” star wants to exemplify to the world what biblical, traditional marriage looks like in films that have depth and purpose.

Bure told the Wall Street Journal she is joining the Great American Family, who she thinks will “keep traditional marriage at the core.” Back in April she said she was going to leave the Hallmark Channel where she worked for over 10 years, creating dozens of movies.

The channel had a change of leadership when former CEO Bill Abbott left the company for Great American Family. Bure along with a few other former Hallmark stars have transitioned over to the new network.

“My heart wants to tell stories that have more meaning and purpose and depth behind them,” Bure says. Her first upcoming film for the network, “A Christmas…Present” is premiering this month on Great American Family’s lineup. The film is about slowing down in life and taking a step back to see what is right in front of you.

Bure is starring in the film as Maggie Larson, a real estate agent and mother who is determined to give her widowed brother the best Christmas yet. The press release for the movie says, “Maggie and her brother have decidedly different expectations for the holiday. Through a series of transformative events, Maggie learns to embrace the reason for the season.”

The former host on “The View” wanted to join a group of people whose goal is to advance God’s kingdom. “I knew that the people behind Great American Family were Christians that love the Lord and wanted to promote faith programming and good family entertainment.”

She announced that she won’t just be starring in movies on the new network but she will also act as chief creative officer, developing and producing films that give the viewers a sense of togetherness and connection, especially during the holiday season.

Bure is an inspiration to Christians to use the gifts and talents that God has given them to encourage and uplift people. Her goal is to bring Christianity back into Christmas movies in a time where the world is striving to do the polar opposite. {eoa}

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.


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