Eugene Peterson, left, with Bono, right.

Bono Teams Up With Fuller Theological Seminary on Documentary


Fuller Theological Seminary, the world’s largest multidenominational institution for theological graduate education, announces the launch of FULLER studio, an innovative and interactive e-resource sharing exclusive content at no cost for individuals in pursuit of deeply formed spiritual lives.

FULLER studio, in its debut launch, has been given an extraordinary opportunity to premiere an exclusive 20-minute film, Bono & Eugene Peterson: The Psalms, documenting the unique relationship between this notable activist and lead singer of U2 and co-founder of the ONE Campaign, and the renowned author of the translation of the Bible into contemporary language, The Message. The film revolves around their common interest in the Psalms and is supported on the studio site by a wealth of reflections from Fuller’s world-class faculty—curating forward-thinking theological resources and not delivering flat content from academic classrooms. Bono and Eugene Peterson’s conversation captures the essence of that kind of dialogue on spirituality.

In association with Fourth Line Films, David Taylor, director of Fuller’s Brehm Texas (center for worship, theology and the arts) and associate professor of theology and culture, delivers a conversation between Peterson and Bono as they reflect on their relationship. Taylor, a friend of Peterson’s, desired to bring Peterson and Bono together to discuss the Psalms, knowing Bono’s inspiration from The Message, and the visit took place at Peterson’s home with Taylor moderating the exchange that unfolded and was captured on film. This added bonus to the public launch of FULLER studio is a perfect demonstration of the content ethos, aesthetic and categories of Story, Theology and Voice that the studio will curate and offer at no cost on a global platform that will be a respected place for civil discourse on spiritual matters. The world needs a space that Fuller Theological Seminary believes it is called to create—a place that can deepen conversation and discussion on life and faith, God and spirituality.

This film, along with a wealth of other material, including videos, podcasts, reflections, stories and images, embodies the goal of FULLER studio: to provide resources for individuals in pursuit of deeply formed spiritual lives. FULLER studio will house resources for individual, small group and congregational use, drawing from its outstanding faculty and the award-winning FULLER magazine—as well as from a wider circle of voices around the country and the world, such as the conversation between Peterson, Bono and Taylor.

Fuller Seminary President Mark Labberton shares his excitement about the launch of FULLER studio, believing it will “open doors of exploration, thought, discovery and engagement for all kinds of people in all kinds of settings—both in and outside the church.”

FULLER studio users will have access to previews and downloads of introductory chapters of newly released books; teasers and featurettes for new productions; film and book study guides; and original material such as a behind-the-scenes series called “In Ordinary Time” of the artists, theologians and activists that compose Fuller’s worldwide community network. It will also draw upon rich existing material from its 70-year history that has, heretofore, been accessible only by students and faculty. This openness is possible because of a combination of new technology and global connectivity: “It is my experience that people eagerly respond to a robust conversation around spirituality, which is only enhanced by global conversation partners and contributors,” says Lauralee Farrer, award-winning director and filmmaker who serves as the new project’s chief content and creative leader. “FULLER studio opens the doors of our considerable resources, inviting into conversation a burst of new voices and perspectives.” 

FULLER studio is one of Fuller’s most innovative ventures of the 21st century, leveraging its global brand as a deeply theological, interdenominational thought leader to extend its reach beyond graduate education to better serve the needs of a world in deep pursuit of God and faith. This evolution of Fuller Seminary from traditional education to e-resource provider for spiritual formation is driven by a spirit of innovation central to Fuller’s ethos since its founding in 1947.

The studio is accessible by any mobile device, and in years to come will employ new technologies and delivery systems and expand deeper into more geographies, languages and partnerships to continue to resource those in pursuit of deeply formed spiritual lives.


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