Billy Graham with his son, Franklin Graham.

Billy Graham’s New Book Tackles Heaven, Eternity and Beyond


Billy Graham may not preach in stadiums around the world anymore, but the beloved evangelist is still writing books. His latest is Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond. 

When asked, “Where is heaven?” the 96-year-old Graham wisely replied, “Heaven is where Jesus Christ is, and I’m going to Him soon.”

Graham’s son, Franklin, spoke about the book, which comes out at the end of September. Franklin says his father started working on the book before his 95th birthday.

“He said, ‘When I die, tell others that I’ve gone to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—that’s where I am,'” Franklin says. “Jesus Himself said, ‘Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. … I go to prepare a place for you. … I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also'” (John 14:1-3).

Here’s the flap copy from the book:

As our nation and world travail in the midst of political, economic and cultural uncertainties, we can find comfort in the hope that comes from the unchanging truth of God’s Word. Whether talking with a U.S. president, a world leader or the common man or being interviewed on network television, Billy Graham has always begun his answers with “The Bible says … .” 

In Where I Am, Mr. Graham shares what the Bible has to say about eternity from all of its 66 books; messages of truth, warning, love and the certainty of the future, all gleaned by a man who would like to be remembered solely as a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Each short chapter examines the reality that each of us chooses where to spend life after death: heaven or hell. From the Old Testament writer who composed “Show me Your ways, O Lord” (Ps. 25:4) to the New Testament writer who penned the words of Jesus, “Whoever believes in [Me] should not perish” (John 3:16), there is hope for anyone who puts his or her faith and trust in the One who gives us the promise, “Where I am, there you may be also” (14:3).


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