Billy Crystal

Billy Crystal on TV’s Sex Scenes: ‘Ah, That’s Too Much for Me’


TV has gone too far, even for Billy Crystal, who played one of TV’s first gay characters.  

Crystal’s remarks were made at the Television Critics Press Tour, according to both USA Today and The Hollywood Reporter.  

The comments were reportedly directed at shows featuring gay sex scenes in shows such as “How to Get Away With Murder,” though Crystal says, “I’m not going to tell you which ones.” 

“And I’ve seen some stuff recently on TV in different kinds of shows where the language or the explicit sex is really you know, sometimes I get it, and sometimes I just feel like, ‘Ah, that’s too much for me,'”  Crystal says, according to the THR transcript. 

After his comments hit the Web, Crystal clarified to THR he meant that TV sex, in general, was pushed too far. 

“What I meant was that whenever sex or graphic nudity of any kind (gay or straight) is gratuitous to the plot or story, it becomes a little too much for my taste.” 

Either way, it appears Crystal is advocating for more plot-driven TV rather than relying on controversial characters to bring in ratings. 


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