Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Rich Wilkerson Jr.

Assemblies of God Pastor Marries Kanye West and Kim Kardashian


A young relative of the late Assemblies of God pastor David Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the Switchblade, officiated a celebrity wedding in Florence, Italy, over the holiday weekend.

Rich Wilkerson Jr., who leads Trinity Church’s Miami-based young adult ministry known as The Vous, helped Kanye West and Kim Kardashian tie the knot on Saturday.

According to Reuters, the couple, known collectively as “Kimye,” celebrated their nuptials accompanied by their daughter, North, and around 200 family and close friends.

Wilkerson’s relationship with Kimye started on a random Tuesday night about two years ago, when they showed up unannounced at one of his weekly services, according to People magazine.

“They hit it off with Wilkerson and began attending the church regularly when they were in town,” the magazine reports. “The church, known for its diversity and its ministry to inner-city youth, became a safe place for the famous couple.”


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