Actress Madeline Carroll speaks at the Movieguide® Awards.

Actress Defies Hollywood’s Expectations After Refusing Nude Scenes


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance” (James 1:2-3, NIV).

The 27th Annual Movieguide® Awards celebrate faith and family in Hollywood and aired Monday on Hallmark Channel. Among the nominees for the Epiphany Prize for Movies was the faith-based movie I Can Only Imagine, which took home the grand prize.

During the acceptance speeches, the movie’s director Andrew Erwin (Woodlawn) spoke along with producer Cindy Bond (Hallmark’s Enchanted Christmas) and lead actor J. Michael Finely. Due to broadcast time constraints, Movieguide® wasn’t able to feature all of the speeches for the category, but one actress had something important to share that demonstrates God’s provision in Hollywood. {eoa}

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